Obsession (TV Mini Series) (2023)
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 155 min | Year: 2023 |  United Kingdom

Obsession comes at a cost.

A respected London surgeon's affair with his son's fiancée turns into an erotic infatuation that threatens to change their lives forever.

William falls in love with his soon-to-be daughter in law, Anna who's trying to keep both relationships but the truth always comes to light and someone is going to be hurt.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Episode 1

7:25 - Anna, girlfriend and later fiancee of Jay, introduces herself to William, Jay's father, in a bar at a surgeon's party and is immediately flirty with him. She asks him, "Is that for me?", referring to a little fruit he's holding (grape?), so he feeds it to her, with his fingers just slightly touching the inside of her mouth.

17:55 - During dinner at Jay's home,  Anna brushes her hand against William's hand on the kitchen sink.

24:23 - Anna calls William and tells him to come meet her in an apartment, where they have sex on the floor. Non-nude.

Episode 2

00:14 - Anna and William fuck in her apartment. She gets nude.

10:30 - Anna and William fuck, with some bondage involved. She's wearing underwear.

22:05 - Anna and Jay go to Paris. William follows them and fucks Anna in an alleyway. She lifts her skirt up and we see her naked butt from the side.

Jay proposes to Anna. She says yes and cries like she's not cheating on him with his dad.

Episode 3

1:58 - During dinner with Jay's family in a restaurant, Anna cockteases William in the bathroom by caressing his dick lightly and then letting go of it.

10:12 - Anna and William fuck in the apartment. She sits and humps on top of him while he sits on the floor with her back against the kitchen cupboard. Non-nude.

26:00 - Anna and William fuck in the garden. It's brief and non-nude.

33:15 - A series of cheating scenes between Anna and William, interspersed with Anna and Jay's scenes preparing for their wedding. With strategic nudity.

Episode 4

1:19 - Jay follows William to Anna's apartment. He opens the door forcibly and sees the two fucking! Anna is blindfolded, with her hands tied with her robe, and William is fucking her from behind.


 Director:  Lisa Barros D'Sa, Glenn Leyburn

Genres: Drama, Mystery

Country:   United Kingdom
Language:  English
Release Date:  13 April 2023

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