¡Que viva México! (2023)
2.7 (17)

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¡Que Viva México!
 191 min | Year: 2023 |  Mexico

Whoever is not with me, is against me.

A man travels with his wife and kids to his hometown for his grandfather's funeral and reading of his testament. In the will, his grandfather leaves all his valuable assets to him, to the chagrin of his very big family. Chaos ensues with his relatives over the inheritance.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Pancho travels with his wife and kids to his hometown for his grandfather's funeral and reading of his testament. He ends up having a tryst with the girlfriend of one of his brothers, Rufino, who is the black sheep of the family. His wife, meanwhile has a tryst with Rufino. There are flirting scenes along the way, but I will only mention the main trysts of the two duos below.

At 57:59, Pancho makes out with Rufino's girlfriend against a wall. His parents interrupt them.

At 1:35:57, Rufino consoles Pancho's wife, leading them to kiss and have implied sex on the bed.

At 1:50:06, Rufino's girlfriend fucks Pancho in the bathroom. She says that it is an advance payment for the money that Pancho paid the cops to release Rufino last night.


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