Sessomatto (1973)
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R  97 min | Year: 1973 |  Italy

Exploring love, sex and marriage in contemporary mid-'70s Italy, divided into nine segments.

Segment 1 (10') - Signora, sono le otto (Madame, it's eight o'clock): Domenico, a male servant does not know how to wake up the landlady, Madame Juliette and takes advantage of the situation to make love with her while her husband is away on a trip.

Segment 2 (5.30') - Due cuori e una baracca (Two Hearts and a Shack): The poor couple suspects of betraying each other and therefore, every time he comes home, they hit each other. Then in a short time, they reconcile and make love, excited by the quarrel and the beatings.

Segment 3 (7.30') - Non è mai troppo tardi (It's never too late): Enrico, a lawyer married to a beautiful young woman, actually has a gerontophilia passion for women who are over seventy and craves one in particular, Esperia. After a tight courtship he manages to conquer her and make love with her; shortly thereafter, however, Esperia notes that he enters her house when she is not there, and suspects that he is actually interested in the young maid, Valeria. Instead, she will find him intent on betraying her with her ninety-year-old mother.

Segment 4 (17') - Viaggio di nozze (Honeymoon): Two newlyweds from Romagna, go on their honeymoon in Venice but, although he appears to be an extremely fiery man, he does not manage to consume his marriage. The wife will discover that her husband can only make love in moving vehicles, and so they will do it for the first time in the elevator of their condominium.

Segment 5 (7') - Torna piccina mia (Come Back my Darling): Giansiro left by his wife asks Tamara, a young and beautiful prostitute to dress up like her, making herself so fat and not very attractive, to try to delude himself in some way to get back the woman she is so deeply in love with.

Segment 6 (7') - Lavoratore Italiano All'estero (Italian workers abroad): An Italian emigrated to Denmark works as a seed donor. One day he masturbates thinking of the beautiful nun of the hospital.

Segment 7 (11') - La vendetta (Revenge): In Sicily, Michelle was killed following a rogue to the powerful local mob boss, Don Alvaro. During the period of mourning, Mimma, the young and beautiful widow receives him, a well-known womanizer, and tells him she is willing to become her lover. He does not hesitate to take her into his home and subject her to extraordinary sexual services, until he dies of a heart attack. In reality, she had devised this plan to get vengeance for her husband.

Segment 8 (25') - Un amore difficile (A difficult Love): Saturnino, a young Apulian just arrived in Milan in search of fortune, he believes he can count on his brother Cosimo who for several years has settled there, but his wife Antonietta tells him that he has long been untraceable. Before returning to the town, he enters a popular dance hall, where he meets Gilda, a charming Milanese lady whom he falls in love with and immediately reciprocated. The relationship proves rather stormy and has a first setback when he realizes that she is a prostitute by profession. Just the time to make peace, the couple suffers a new break when he discovers that Gilda is not a woman, but a transvestite. Even this rock is overcome, but the affair is complicated heavily when he realizes that he fell in love with his brother Cosimo.

Segment 9 (15') - L'ospite (The Guest): Tiziana, an industrialist's beautiful wife tries to seduce a guest her husband invited to dinner. This excites her husband for sex. In the end, her husband drives the guest away and thanks her wife for doing her job well. Now excited by the woman, the guest takes leave throwing himself on Rosario, the maid.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

In segment 1, a male servant makes love to his sleeping madam (a nonevent) while her husband is away on a trip and in segment 9 (1:34:41), a wife seduces a guest that her husband invited to dinner. Classic hottie Laura Antonelli plays the main female characters in 8 of the 9 segments.

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