Sexy Colour Women (1998)
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 72 min | Year: 1998 |  Taiwan

Yi Ru is a fashion designer who was treated coldly by her husband, Fu Xiong, because, unknown to her, he already had a mistress. One day, Yi Ru met Momo, a young man who delivered food, and fell in love with him. But Momo was bribed by Fu Xiong and had him recorded his lovemaking with Yi Ru to be used as evidence for divorce. After learning about the bribery, Yi Ru was heartbroken and planned to kill Momo, only to realize that Momo was sincere and had no selfish intentions. However, she aroused the hatred of Momo's girlfriend, Lily, and when Lili killed Momo, Yi Ru committed suicide.

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Cheating Notes

The wife and the food delivery guy's sex scenes are at 44:41 (by the stairs and then on the bed) and by 1:00:20 (bed). On the second one, her husband walks in on them but he knows about it because he set it up.

Original / Other Title:  有色的女人

 Director:  Ng Yi

Genres: Drama

Country:   Taiwan
Language:  Mandarin
Release Date:  6 June 1998

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