Young Hoon, a nude photographer, and Jung Im, a food stylist are both successful in their respective professions. Having dated for seven years before getting married, they’re more like friends than lovers. Due to the nature of her husband’s work, Jung Im occasionally feels insecure in her marriage, though this long-married couple has trust in one other. One day, Young Hoon befriends a neighboring couple, Hyun Chul and Hyo Jin. Next to the authoritative husband, Hyo Jin looks quite unstable and insecure and Young Hoon cannot help but feel drawn to her sadness. But the more he falls for Hyo Jin, the deeper his trouble becomes…
Cheating Notes

(With spoilers! some of the plot twists will be mentioned below)
The husband and his wife have dinner with the new neighbor couple. The neighbor husband is distant and authoritative while the neighbor wife seems to be keeping something inside her. After dinner, the husband looks at the neighbor's window and sees the neighbor husband hit his wife and then fucks her from behind on the floor.
The husband takes a stroll to do shoots in the nearby woods. He comes across the neighbor wife and they talk and go to an abandoned house. He tries to kiss her but she runs away.
The husband sees the neighbor couple fight thru his window. He sees the neighbor wife undress in front of her husband to prove a point. The neighbor husband leaves for work while the neighbor wife takes her bicycle for a ride. The husband follows her. They talk and while crying, she tells him that the reason why they don't have drapes on their windows is because her husband means to share him with another guy. Note that what she says here might not be 100% true or it might be wrongly subtitled somehow as the movie will show later. Anyway, the two go to a hotel and fuck. I'm not sure, but the neighbor wife revealing that she's being shared by her husband (even if not really true) and then fucking her neighbor after is quite hot to me.
One morning, the neighbor husband leaves a note to his wife on the dining table, telling her that the husband next door is interested in her. She laughs mockingly, because not only does she know that already, but she even already had sex with the guy. She then goes next door and fucks the husband on the couch. Their lovemaking this time is even hotter than their sex at the hotel.
The husband dreams of the neighbor wife coming into their bedroom and fucking him beside his sleeping wife.
The wife of the husband starts investigating and finds photos and a jewelry of the neighbor wife in the husband's office. She confronts the neighbor wife, who then hits her with reality: that the neighbor wife knows that she had an affair with her husband! So it means that this is actually a case of revenge cheating. We then see a visualization of the wife and the neighbor husband fucking on the couch while the neighbor wife stands outside the glass window, crying while looking at them and unable to do anything.
This movie is hot and the plot twists are quite entertaining. In my opinion, this is up there with Ardor (2001), another hot Korean cheating wife movie, and they even have a similar theme too. You must definitely watch this one with subtitles, which the stream below doesn't have.
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