That Splendid November (1969)
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 95 min | Year: 1969 |  France Italy

A Sicilian teenager struggling with the death of his father forms an intimate bond with his married, childless young aunt, but becomes jealous when she embarks on an affair with another guy.

After the death of his father, 17-year-old Nino is finding adolescence a traumatic and lonely ordeal. One autumn, during a holiday on the slopes of Mount Etna, he finds he is strongly attracted towards his young aunt, Cettina. Although married, she has no children of her own and his interest in her awakens her maternal instincts. A physical intimacy develops between them and his liking for her turns into an all-consuming desire. When he discovers that she is pursuing a secret affair with another man, Sasa, he is overwhelmed by jealousy and fails to comprehend her infidelity.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

37:02 - Sasa, a young and handsome family friend (or relative) caresses the wife's leg under the table during dinner. Her husband is just beside her.

45:24 - Nino assists the wife (his aunt) in taking a bath by pouring water over her body. Her tits poke through her wet gown. They later proceed to make out on the bed and have implied sex (49:35), with a sheet just barely covering her body.

56:49 - The wife has sex with Sasa.

1:05;41 - Nino and the wife kiss.

1:20:33 - During a rabbit hunt, the wife and Sasa separate themselves from the main group and have sex in a barn. Nino follows and sees them doing it.

Non-nude. (with English subtitles but cut)

Original / Other Title:  Un bellissimo novembre

 Director:  Mauro Bolognini

Genres: Romance, Drama

Country:   France Italy
Language:  Italian
Release Date:  5 April 1969

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