The Lost Daughter (2021)
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The Lost Daughter
R  122 min | Year: 2021 |  Greece United Kingdom United States of America

Being a mother is a crushing responsibility.

A woman's seaside vacation takes a dark turn when her obsession with a young mother forces her to confront secrets from her past.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Leda is a divorced professor on a solo holiday on a picturesque Greek island, staying in a refurbished lighthouse tended by longtime caretaker Lyle (Ed Harris). Leda is packing a satchel full of books and academia work, and is a bit perturbed when her isolated beach time is suddenly interrupted by a large and noisy family of vacationers from Queens. Being an observant loner, Leda eyes young mother Nina (Dakota Johnson) who is struggling with her daughter, as well as her husband and other family members. This triggers memories in Leda that are handled via flashbacks of her younger self (Jessie Buckley) as a stressed-out wife and mother to two daughters. She longs for her own space.

Nina is cheating on her husband with a young worker in the resort named Will. We see them at the side of a villa being rented by Nina's family, about to make out, but we don't see that part because Nina is trying to answer the phone.

Meanwhile, the young Leda cheated on her husband with an older, distinguished professor when he referred to her literary work during his talk. We see them kiss at 1:13:00 and have pre-sex non-nude petting on a stairs at 1:21:20 but that's it. Oh and some post-sex bed scene a little later where half of young Leda's tit is shown.

The young Leda has a nude sex scene with her husband at 52:58 but the camera could be a little close to their bodies.

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