The Set Up (1995)
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The Set Up
R  93 min | Year: 1995 |  United States of America

Charlie Thorpe, a security systems expert, gets caught during a robbery. When he is released from jail he is hired by a bank owner to design a foolproof system during the refurbishing of a bank. But shortly after it's finished he is blackmailed into cracking the security.

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Cheating Notes

Charlie, a security systems expert bangs Gina, the mistress (Mia Sara) of the bank owner who hired him. They first meet at a party, where Gina is present but unwanted because the boss' wife is with him. The boss tells the expert to take Gina out of there and so he does and takes her to the beach where they kiss after getting to know each other (21:40). A few scenes after that, they have sex in the bedroom. At 29:05, they start petting beside a bonfire on the beach but someone interrupts them.


A plot twist reveals that Gina is not the mistress of the bank owner but is actually the girlfriend of the leader of the gang that blackmailed Charlie into helping them rob the bank. At 1:08:50, Gina fucks the gang leader in a room consensually but she's shouting like she's being raped so that Charlie, who is tied up outside the room, would think that she's being raped and therefore would continue cooperating with the gang.

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