Y Tu Mamá También (2001)
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Y Tu Mamá También
NR  106 min | Year: 2001 |  Mexico

Life has its ways of teaching

In Mexico, two teenage boys and an attractive, married older woman embark on a road trip and learn a thing or two about life, friendship, sex, and each other.

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The film centers around two boyhood chums, Tenoch and Julio, just embarking on their careers as university students, who, for one last glorious summer, decide to revel in all the wildness, hedonism and promiscuity that carefree adolescence has to offer (the title of the film is emblematic of the youthful immaturity of the characters). With their girlfriends away in Europe, the two decide to take a road trip through Mexico with Luisa, the attractive young wife of one of Tenoch's stuffed shirt cousins. While on the journey, the three of them not only indulge in all the bizarre sexual hijinks that both the situation and their hormones would lead one to expect, but they also learn a thing or two about life, about relationships and about how sex can be used both to bring people closer together as well as to pull them farther apart.

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54:00 Wife's first sex with one of the boys.

1:04:30 Wife starts making a move on the other boy in the backseat of the car while the first boy drives. The first boy gets jealous and stops the car. The wife proceeds to have sex with the second boy.

1:31:45 Wife dances with the two boys together and proceeds to have a threesome with them.

Original / Other Title:  Y tu mamá también, And Your Mother Too

 Director:  Alfonso Cuarón

Genres: Drama, Romance

Country:   Mexico
Language:  Spanish
Release Date:  8 June 2001

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