A Woman Called Sada Abe (1975)
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A Woman Called Sada Abe (1975)
A Woman Called Sada Abe (1975)


Sada Abe elopes with her employer, the restaurant owner Kichi. They stay at an inn for days, doing nothing but sleep and have sex. But Kichi wishes to return back to his wife and kids, and this may prove fatal for him, for Sada Abe has fallen deeply in love with him and does not want them to part. If she can’t stop him, how far will she go to make sure that he won’t leave, or if that’s not possible, that a part of him will stay with her, especially a part which gives her the most pleasure? The ending will cut deep.

Details for the movie A Woman Called Sada Abe (1975)

Other Title: Jitsuroku Abe Sada, 実録阿部定

Director: Tanaka Noboru

Starring: Miyashita Junko, Esumi Hideaki, Hanayagi Genshu, Koizumi Ikunosuke, Sakamoto Nagatoshi

Genre: Drama, Pinku, Crime

Country: Japan

Cheating Scenes in the movie A Woman Called Sada Abe (1975)

Sada Abe and Kichi elopes and stays at an inn. They do nothing but sleep, eat, and have sex. One time, Kichi finds something in Sada’s robe that makes him suspect that she is seeing another man when she goes out one time. Then, the next scene is a flashback showing Sada having sex with a man whose face is not really shown, but it seems that it’s not Kichi.

Kichi confronts Sada Abe about it. He chokes her and pinches her ear in order to make her confess. She does confess. She tells him she has to make some money to pay the rent for their room. He asks her if she sucked the man off to get it. She tells him that he’s a councilor and a school principal and that he loves her. Then we see a flashback scene of Sada and the councilor dining and talking. He also gives her money. Sada tells Kichi that he has nothing to be jealous of.

Kichi pushes Sada on the floor and foot fucks her. She then sucks his dick and then bites it. They share a laugh and they’re good after that.


A Woman Called Abe Sada (1975)
A Woman Called Abe Sada (1975) – screenshots

More info for the movie A Woman Called Sada Abe (1975)


Info + Download Link: Rarelust.com

Info + Download Link: Wipfilms.net

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