10th Command Season 3 Episode 10: The Consideration (2006)
3.5 (28)

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 45 min | Year: 2006 |  Greece

Nikitas and Stella are married and own a restaurant. Gregor, a foreigner who came to Greece for better fortune, works for them. Nikitas trusts him and does not suspect that he is having an affair with his wife. He often even goes to the countryside for the second shop he is trying to set up, leaving the field free for them. The one who raises his suspicions is his sister Katerina. Nikitas pretends that he has to leave for the shop in the countryside and watches them. He finds out about their relationship and, devastated, tries to find a solution to keep Stella close to him. He kicks Gregor out, without revealing why, and prepares to leave and live with Stella in the countryside. But she and Gregor have other plans. They decide to get him out of the way.

More Info:  IMDB

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Cheating Notes

Nice non-nude cheating scene of the wife and the help in the restaurant (seen by the husband through the window).


Original / Other Title:  10i entoli / 10η εντολή Season 3 Episode 10: Η μετάληψη / I metalipsi

 Director:  Christos Dimas

Genres: Drama, Thriller

Country:   Greece
Language:  Greek
Release Date:  6 December 2006

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