As moças daquela hora (1973)
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 97 min | Year: 1973 |  Brazil

Three women, three stories in different parts of Brazil, have the same fate: becoming prostitutes under the guidance of Pilar, whose death is announced in the very first scene.

In the first, a girl falls in love with an acrobat. At one point, she is making love to him while her boyfriend is at her house, proposing to her parents that he wants to marry her.

In the second, a married woman is loved by two men: a handsome wandering juice seller and the fat, ugly landowner boss of her husband. She makes love consensually to the juice seller when her husband goes on a trip, but she gets blackmailed and raped by her husband's fat boss when he finds out that she slept with the tourist.

In the third story, the black sheep of a Catholic family in the town of Três Corações marries a quite old-fashioned man, who on their honeymoon discovers (being his impression true or not) that his wife is no longer a virgin as she was suppose to be.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Quite hot.

Original / Other Title:  As moças daquela hora, The Girls of That Time

 Director:  Paulo Porto

Genres: Comedy

Country:   Brazil
Language:  Portuguese
Release Date:  28 September 1973

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