Rachen is a talented painter who is in love with Chanchay. But she will soon be married to a high ranking military officer. Rachen decides to make a painting of Chanchay and kill her afterwards to keep her forever his.
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Cheating Notes
Rachen has three chicks here that he painted and bedded, and it could easily get confusing who among them is Chanchay. Apparently, Chanchay is played by
. Her fiance doesn't show up in the film and the only scene that shows that she is going to get married to him is when she gives Rachen a wedding invitation in the latter part of the movie.plays one of Rachen's three chicks. She and are two of my favorite Thai softcore actresses in this era. If you want to see them have sex the way they regularly do it, then this movie will do, otherwise they have other better crap than this crap.
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