A rebellious young woman is thrown out by her wealthy, but marbly parents and gets into a nightmare of poverty, prostitution and sickness.
Cheating Notes
Slyvia meets Rico in a bar and hooks up with him. They have sex at 12:45 and an after-sex nude bed scene at 18:06. Their relationship is short-lived as he dumps her immediately.
Slyvia has a falling out with her parents and gets thrown out. She meets Ben and starts to live with him. Her life with him gets shitty so one day, she accepts a proposal from a man who sees her checking out a work posting in the streets. She has sex with him in exchange for money, but the scene is a non-nude after-sex scene only (53:04).
Slyvia contacts Rico and asks him to seduce her mother so that she can be manipulated into signing a business deal. Rico has sex with Slyvia's mom at 1:13:10 and successfully convinces her to sign the business deal after.
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