Cookies (1975) aka Les galettes de Pont-Aven
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 105 min | Year: 1975 |  France

Henri Serin, a sales rep in umbrellas who lives in Saumur, is bored with his life. Married to an unloving, uptight wife, who, unlike him, has no interest in sex, he is also rejected by his children. Thus, he spends most of his time traveling from town to town, flirting with women and meeting all kinds of people in the hotels, restaurants, shops and places he visits. He also dabbles in painting, particularly portraits. After his car breaks down as he is driving through Brittany, he meets a rough, foul-mouthed painter who offers him to stay at his house, near Pont-Aven. There, Henri falls in love with Angela, the painter's model and live-in girlfriend, and soon they run off together. After a few days of passion, Angela goes away, leaving Henri heartbroken. He then returns to his home only to find his wife having sex with another man. Dejected, he decides to ditch everything, and settles in Brittany to do what he likes best: painting. He becomes a drunkard, butt of jokes in the town, and unable to sell a single painting. Marie, the teenage maid working at the pension Henri stays, is apparently in love with him but he seems to neglect her because his mind is too occupied with Angela. However, Henri soon faces his true feelings for Marie. He finds pure love and a pair of beautiful buttocks in her and decides to make a new start in his life.

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Cheating Notes

An umbrella salesman fucks the live-in girlfriend of a painter who gives him shelter when his car broke down. The chick runs off with him but when she leaves him, he comes back home and finds his wife, who's supposedly uninterested in sex, fucking another man (1:02:34).

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Original / Other Title:  Les Galettes de Pont-Aven

 Director:  Joël Séria

Genres: Romance, Drama, Comedy

Country:   France
Language:  French
Release Date:  20 August 1975

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