Five Day Lover (1961)


Claire is a young mother and married to Georges, but she is also having an affair with bachelor Antoine, who is being kept by her good friend Madeleine, a wealthy fashion designer. But the meetings at Antoine’s apartment, five afternoons a week, come to a halt when their partners learn the truth.

Fire Line (1961)


Two young crooks who scam betters in the race track are employed by a yakuza gang called the Shigemori Syndicate to steal a shipment of handguns from a rival gang. Somewhere in the process they find themselves on the run from their own gang and one of them becomes himself romantically entangled with the boss’s girlfriend. An ambitious underboss of the gang offers them a way out if they murder the previous boss but things […]

Five Day Lover (aka L’amant de cinq jours)


During Madeleine’s fashion show Claire meets Antoine and becomes his mistress. Due to the fact that she’s married (to a wealthy man) she only spends a few days a week with him. Antoine is also rich, and often taken to meetings by his chauffeur, Marius. However things are more complicated: Antoine is Madeleine lover (Claire’s best friend) while George, Claire’s husband is quite rich and has a modest job. Everything works perfectly until Madeleine discovers […]