Desire (aka Q) (2011)
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R  103 min | Year: 2011 |  France

In a social context deteriorated by a countrywide economic crisis, the life of several people will be turned upside down after they meet Cecile, a character who symbolizes desire.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes


Cecile ( Déborah Révy) is very hot. She looks like a fresher and more sensual version of Drew Barrymore. 

Cheating scenes in Desire (2011)

Matt drives Cecile to the sea because she says she wants to see it. There, they talk and Cecile asks him if he wants to kiss her. He asks what about her boyfriend? She says her boyfriend won't beat him up because her boyfriend is a nice guy.

They go to a nearby public comfort room where she cockteases him. She shows him her ass and her breasts. Then she lets him touch her breasts and finger her pussy. He tries to fuck her, but she tells him she'll yell if he does that.  Matt really got cockteased good and he hates it.

We see Chance, Cecile's boyfriend have a conversation with his friend and we find out that he and Cecile have an open relationship because he doesn't want to miss out on hot chicks. Well, his girlfriend also sees to it that she won't miss on hot guys herself.

One night, Cecile has a drinking session with her female friends in somebody's house. Sonia is one of them and she is also with Manu, her boyfriend. When Manu falls asleep on the couch, Sonia makes out with another female in the group and has sex with her in the bedroom.

Cecile rides the ferry and secretly plays touchy-footsie with Yves, a slightly older man, in the ferry's restaurant. Yve's wife is just beside him. He follows Cecile to the deck and they flirt. She gives him her wet panties as well as her phone number.

Cecile meets her boyfriend Chance and their friend Alex a little later. She tells Chance that she wants to fuck right now. Chance thinks she means with him, but she says not with him but with the man she met on the boat. Then, she kisses Alex and tells Chance to touch her. She says that they can both fuck her. Chance grabs her and tells her not to go too far.

During Chance's birthday celebration in a bar, Cecile kisses Matt. Chance didn't see it. Chance takes Cecile away to swim. Cecile tells Matt to wait for her, but she isn't able to because she and Chance end up fucking. The poor Matt waits for her all night.

The next day, Cecile comes to Matt's workplace. She gives him a blowjob, but she's deliberately making it painful, so Matt tells her to stop. Until now, Cecile is still playing with Matt.

Cecile meets and fucks Yves (the guy in the ferry). This one's nice as we get to clearly see Cecile's nicely shaped tits.

Cecile rides the ferry again and fingers Matt's girlfriend in the toilet room. But I think Matt and his girlfriend have broken up at this point.

Yves' wife talks to Cecile. With the help of Matt's girlfriend, Cecile sets up the blindfolded Yves to be fucked by an also blindfolded man. I wonder who could the blindfolded man be?

Cecile sets up a fundraising campaign where she and her friends fuck guys for money. Chance drags him out of their venue and tells her to stop doing all the slutty things she's doing. He thinks that she's doing all of it as her way of dealing with her father's death. They drive away, and Cecile tells Chance that she loves him even if it won't be always easy. It seems that they are going to lead a new life and that Cecile will stop her slutty ways. But I don't count on that. Before you know it, I think she'll be playing with other guys again.

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