The Hunger (TV Series) (1997)


“The Hunger” is a horror anthology series where the hosts eccentrically introduce each of the steamy, erotic and often supernatural tales of power, sex, lust, and driving urges. Some of the episodes are about cheating women.

Trash (2009)


A chick makes out / pet with two guys in front of her boyfriend while he and his band is performing on-stage after she caught him cheating on her with his band’s female vocalist. She then proceeds to fuck the two guys in the venue’s toilet room.

The Model (2016)

August 10, 2018

Emma goes to Paris to become a model and cheats on her hot hometown boyfriend with a hotter photographer. Then, she cheats on the photographer with a Chanel executive, who is even hotter than the photographer. Yes, she likes hot men and if you are one, you definitely have a chance to be someone she’ll cheat with.