Favorite Concubine (2020)
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 81 min | Year: 2020 |  South Korea

Jun-soo, a rich old man, decides to live in a local villa after retirement due to paralysis and health reasons. Jun-soo's wife, Hye-sook, and Joo-seok, his assistant, will move with him to the provinces. Hye-sook is having an affair with Joo-seok and can't wait for the day Jun-soo dies. They hire So-eun, a caregiver, to take care of Jun-soo while they have their trysts. Taking care of Jun-soo involves doing sexual favors for him. Meanwhile, due to some strange phenomenon, Jun-soo's paralysis goes away at night which enables him to make love to So-eun better. After learning about the affair between Hye-sook and Joo-seok, Jun-soo begins to make a secret proposal to So-eun.

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Original / Other Title:  애첩

 Director:  Richard Kim
 Stars:  Rika, Min Do-yoon, James, 초희

Genres: Drama

Country:   South Korea
Language:  Korean
Release Date:  24 December 2020

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