I Am an S+M Writer (2000)
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 88 min | Year: 2000 |  Japan

Kurosaki is an erotic novelist who uses his editor and a hired model to act out scenarios in his living room to use for inspiration in his writing. His wife Shizuko calls him a pervert but on the inside, she feels physically neglected. She tries to make him jealous, while also going after what she desires with someone else.

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Cheating Notes

The wife begins an affair with her husband's editor. We don't actually see her lovemaking with the editor, only the initial part of their hotel room meetings where he makes her assume the doggy position on the bed (56:40) or he ties her and lifts her kimono up to expose her butt (end part of the movie).

About the wife and the editor's first date, we only see the part where they eat in a restaurant by a beach and ride a taxi going to the hotel. The editor confesses this part to the wife's husband (39:27). The husband asks him to tell the details about their lovemaking. You should definitely watch this part with subtitles, as a lot of the sexiness are in how the editor describes it, including the manner in which the wife gave him a blowjob, etc.

While the editor is describing his tryst with the novelist's wife, we see her pleasuring herself in the bathtub. The combination is quite sexy.

The husband explodes in the middle of the editor's confession but manages to make himself calm and let the editor continue. After that, he finds inspiration in it and tells the editor what he should make his wife do the next time they meet for sex and to record it (audio only) for him to listen to later and draw inspiration from (56:40).

At 53:09, we see the wife make out with a female bartender (the model that her husband hired) in front of the editor in a bar. The look she gives the editor (or us, since she's looking straight toward the camera) before and after she kisses the bartender is sexy.

Earlier in the movie, the wife brings a hunky American English teacher over to make the husband jealous. Nothing much comes out of it, I think she didn't have an affair with the guy. However, she kisses him in a bar, in front of her husband and the editor at 1:08:23. It's the editor who gets jealous and gets into a fistfight with the American. After the commotion, the wife and her husband make out and pet in the bar's toilet room.

The wife and the husband divorce, but before she leaves, she tells him that she will meet the editor for the last time and maybe she will have anal sex with him. After all, she says, the editor blazed a trail slowly but surely, that he can fit his finger on her anus now. She tells it in a provoking manner, so her husband chokes her and nearly kills her. After that, the wife meets the editor and lets him tie her up and asks him to fuck her in the ass. The scene cuts off after that.


Hotxshare.com (with English subtitles)

Categories: Asia, Cheating, Cheating Wife

Original / Other Title:  不貞の季節, Futei no kisetsu

 Director:  Ryuichi Hiroki

Genres: Comedy, Drama

Country:   Japan
Language:  Japanese
Release Date:  2 September 2000

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