In Love We Trust (2008)
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 115 min | Year: 2008 |  China

A divorced couple learns that the only way to possibly save their daughter, who is suffering from blood cancer, is to have another child. The problem is they've both already remarried.

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Cheating Notes

A divorced couple learns that the only way to possibly save their daughter, who is suffering from blood cancer, is to have another child. The problem is they've both already remarried. First, they try artificial insemination, but that doesn't work, so they really need to have sex. Their respective spouses are informed about it so that means all sorts of drama happen, but their spouses otherwise consent. The divorced couple fucks at 1:36:48. There's a little bit of pumping action and the wife moans and cums with her husband, but she's covered in sheets.

The sex scene of the wife's ex-husband with his new wife at 1:19:23 has a little more action than the extramarital coupling mentioned above.

Original / Other Title:  左右

 Director:  Wang Xiaoshuai

Genres: Drama

Country:   China
Language:  Mandarin
Release Date:  26 November 2008

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