Kabayo (2023)
3.7 (3)

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 106 min | Year: 2023 |  Philippines

Laurene wants to elevate her seven-year relationship with Conrad. When her friend Easton comes back from New York, she believes he is the perfect addition to their sexual relationship.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

37:45 - Laurene and her boyfriend Conrad have a threesome with Amy.

44:04 -  Conrad meets Amy without Laurene's knowledge in a hotel room after a bad day at work. In her own words, "he fucks her mouth" and immediately leaves.

47:18 - Laurene has a threesome with Easton, her friend who just came back from New York, and Easton's girlfriend without Conrad's knowledge.

57:30 - Laurene fantasizes having car sex with Rain, a new competitor of her boyfriend at work.

1:01:22 - Amy tries to kiss Laurene when she talks to her after her quarrel with Conrad. Laurene rejects her.

1:09:28 - Conrad and Easton have a threesome with Amy.

1:31:28 - Laurene and Conrad have a threesome with Easton but it doesn't finish because Easton wants to suck Conrad's dick but Conrad isn't into that.


Hot. I like that Laurene, despite being a little slutty and free-spirited, seems to genuinely love her boyfriend. And damn, does she have big boobs.


Original / Other Title:  Kabayo, Horse

 Director:  Gianfranco Morciano

Genres: Drama

Country:   Philippines
Language:  , English
Release Date:  26 May 2023

1 Comment

  1. Laurene is truly hot and has awesome breasts. I wish the scenes were more graphic and detailed. Noteworthy movie worth watching again and again.

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