Kiliti (1997)
4 (4)

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 106 min | Year: 1997 |  Philippines

A rich woman offers a fisherman's wife a million bucks to keep her mentally retarded son company.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

A rich woman's mentally retarded kid takes a liking to a fisherman's wife, not necessarily in a sexual way. His mother offers the fisherman and his wife a million bucks for the wife to keep her son company. She doesn't want it but her husband insists because it's a lot of money, so she agrees and begins staying at the rich woman's huge house to spend time with the son.

The wife begins to treat the kid in a sexual way at 48:48, under the soaking rain. Their main and only sex scene is at 52:50. It's non-explicit and non-nude, and the wife doesn't exactly know what's going on because she's kinda under the weather while it's happening, so when she wakes up the following morning, she gets mad and leaves and comes back to her husband at their place beside the sea.

The cheating scene is disappointing, however, the several sex scenes between husband and wife throughout the movie, like the one at 32:48, do offer some explicitness and nudity.

 Director:  Mauro Gia Samonte

Genres: Drama, Comedy

Country:   Philippines
Language:  Filipino
Release Date:  9 February 1997

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