Comprised of two wonderfully kinky tales mating sexuality with death. The first story, starring Bowie Lam and Eva Zhao, puts a shocking spin on the Fatal Attraction scenario. The second, featuring Yumi Choz, involves a mortuary make-up artist whose new boyfriend (Vincent Lam) is concerned about the inordinate amount of time she chooses to spend late at night with her corpses.
Cheating Notes

In the second story, the guy finds out that his girlfriend is cheating on him with the corpses in the mortuary that she's working at. He follows her to the mortuary one night and sees her get on top of a muscular corpse and has sex with it/him. This really disturbs him, so when she comes to his place later and has sex with him, he just lies down on the bed like a corpse (hehe). But he really loves her, so the next day, he tells her to come back to his place because he has a gift for her, a gift that a corpsefucker would love.
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