Malombra (1984)
3.3 (3)

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Erotic Games
 91 min | Year: 1984 |  Italy

Gothic and erotic mystery about a young man called Marco, who goes to stay with his strange uncle, whose wife (Marco's beautiful aunt) died some time ago. Aside from the sensual maid, his uncle's sister-in-law is the only other person living there. Marco spies on rituals of self-gratification performed every night by a red-headed woman who looks just like his dead aunt! Marco begins to wonder if the woman is actually the sister-in-law made up to look like her dead sister, or the dead aunt haunting the place.

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Cheating Notes

(Spoiler) Near the end part of the movie, it is revealed that the sister-in-law became the uncle's woman when his wife died. He dresses up the sister-in-law to look like his dead wife and makes her do self-gratification inside a room while he watches through a peeping hole.

The sister-in-law falls for the companion of Marco who arrives with him (the white-haired guy with a young-looking face). After running away from him during their first attempt at lovemaking in the bedroom, she finally fucks him in the outdoors. Earlier than this, by the way, the white-haired guy has fucked the horny maid a few times already.

At the end of the movie, the sister-in-law, dressed up as the wife, purposely fucks the white-haired guy inside a room, knowing that the uncle is peeping through the hole. The uncle grabs a knife but before he can even leave his room to attack the two, he has a heart attack and dies.

The nephew gets his share of sex too, with a pretty young woman. I think she's some neighbor's daughter. When his uncle is gone, the nephew replaces him at the peeping hole and makes the young woman do self-gratification, just like his aunt, while he watches.

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Original / Other Title:  Malombra, Erotic Games

 Director:  Bruno Gaburro

Genres: Drama

Country:   Italy
Language:  Italian
Release Date:  4 January 1984

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