Mga nagbabagang labi (1996)
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 98 min | Year: 1996 |  Philippines

A cop abducts the wife of a rich crime boss as leverage because the boss is trying to kill him. In a classic case of Stockholm syndrome, the wife falls for him.

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Cheating Notes

The crime boss fucks his wife in the shower (8:27). She tries to flee after while he's sleeping, seemingly sick of how he's treating her. One of his thugs thwarts her plan and returns her to her husband who then beats her.

The cop abducts the wife during a parade as leverage against the crime boss who is trying to kill him. He holds her captive in a hut in the woods. She is resistant at first, of course, but gradually she begins falling for him.

The crime boss recalls a memory with his wife where she is naked in the pool and they make out a bit (44:08).

The cop sees the wife taking a bath naked in a stream (54:50). He begins imagining that he's having sex with her in the water. Initially, I thought that this scene is happening for real, but transitions before and after it seem to indicate otherwise.

The cop and the wife have sex for real at 58:24. Honestly, their previous dream sex sequence (as well as the wife's sex scenes with her husband earlier and later at the end of the film) is better than their actual sex scene here. It's not even nude.

The cop and the wife are captured by the crime boss' men and brought to his home. The cop is detained while the wife has sex with her husband (1:22:06).

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Categories: Asia, Cheating, Cheating Wife

 Director:  Victor Tango

Country:   Philippines
Language:  Filipino
Release Date:  12 July 1996

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