Nerisa (2021)
3.4 (19)

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 106 min | Year: 2021 |  Philippines

Misfortune starts to happen on an island when a beautiful maiden is washed ashore. She falls in love with and marries a local fisherman who eventually disappears after a sea accident. She commits to do and to give everything, even her body, in order to find him.

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Cheating Notes

The wife reluctantly lets a coast guard officer fuck her in exchange for finding her husband who disappeared during a sea accident. She cries and stuff while the officer bangs her on top of his office desk. The wife's companion, meanwhile, a slutty one, doesn't have a problem fucking a lower-ranked officer in one of the other rooms in the station. It looks like she knows him and had sex with him before.

The husband is found and rescued later, but when he finds out what his wife had done, he gets really mad and begins hating her. He despises her so much that he lets his three drinking buddies gang-rape her one night.

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