Dan and Lisa have an open marriage, but Dan says Lisa can't fuck any of his friends, especially Mark, because well, he says it's different. Lisa feels it's unfair because Dan's rules are relaxed when it comes to him. He fucks any woman he wants, including their neighbor Natalie. This doesn't sit too well with Lisa because she really likes Mark, in fact, she wants him so bad. But she's also afraid to do it because of what might happen as she doesn't want to hurt Dan. Will the prodding of a friend, Diana, who's willing to set her up with Mark and will not tell her husband about it, push her to make the right decision for herself? And if she does, will the repercussion destroy her supposedly perfect open marriage with her husband?
Cheating Notes
Porn with plot/drama. There's jealousy, betrayal, etc. The women are attractive, including the wife. This is how they do it in those days.