Wife gets raped by two friends of her husband. She comes under the custody of a doctor (?) for treatment. The rape makes her crave sexually. She seduces the doctor but he doesn't go for it, so she fucks his friend who hangs around in his house instead. When the doctor finds out about their tryst, he scolds her. She runs away, stops a truck on the road and fucks the driver inside it. Some woman gives her shelter but it's actually to take advantage of her. She pimps her to a man. She doesn't seem to mind though, and she fucks the client with no objection. The doctor and his friend find and recover her, and arrange a meeting between her and her husband. But she doesn't want to do anything with him anymore, because maybe she blames him for her rape. She stabs him in the face, parts ways with him and starts a new life.
Cheating Notes
The wife's a classic hottie and very sensual.
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