New Woman Who Moved to the Complex (2017)
2.7 (3)

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 61 min | Year: 2017 |  Japan

Mai moves to a new house with her husband Koji Yoshioka. She wants her husband only for herself. On the day they move, Mai can't control herself around her husband and makes love to him in their new house. They are off to a good start, however, it might not last long when Koji comes out to throw the trash the next morning and happens to meet Reiko. She lives in the next building with her workaholic husband who always leaves her wanting in the sex department. Koji suddenly misses the life he lives before his marriage, and so he betrays his wife, Mai, when he comes to Reiko's place after her husband has gone to work and makes love to her.

A utility man who is watching the situation with a hidden camera he installed earlier in Reiko's apartment takes advantage. He blackmails Reiko and has sex with her and threatens Koji that he will tell on him if he resists. Not content with that, he also forces herself onto Mai because he knows that Koji will not do anything for fear of Mai finding out about his affair.

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Original / Other Title:  단지에 이사온 새여자, Irresisonable Insult


Genres: Softcore JAV

Country:   Japan
Language:  Japanese
Release Date:  5 May 2017

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