Phone Sex (1999)
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 92 min | Year: 1999 |  Philippines

A bored young housewife falls prey to the sexy charms of a prank caller. As she finds herself deep into the secret carnal pleasures of phone sex, she likewise finds herself consumed by the fires of the dark, wild and dangerous thrills of promiscuity.

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Cheating Notes

Alma (Ara Mina) is often being verbally abused by her husband. When he fucks her, he does it even without her consent, minding only his own pleasure and completely disregarding hers.

Alma sees her next-door neighbor wife Lea kissing the village handyman. Lea is open to her about it while Alma castigates her.

Alma receives a call from some random caller one night. His persistence leads to her having phone sex with him.

The anonymous caller calls Alma again. She is initially resistant in engaging him again but his persistence pays off and they have phone sex again.

Alma has phone sex with her caller the third time while her husband is drinking with his buddies downstairs.

Lea fucks the handyman while Alma is at her place

Alma visits Lea at her place. The handyman arrives and Lea tells Alma to hide because he might get shy if he sees her. Alma hides somewhere in the house while Alma fucks the local handyman in her bedroom. Alma hears them fucking while silently leaving the house.

Alma's phone-sex mate calls her and tells her that he now knows her identity. He tells her that he even saw her earlier that day with her mother-in-law. Alma panics. He tells her to meet him so that they can fuck in real life. She refuses, so he threatens her softly that he will tell her husband about them. So Alma agrees to meet him.

Alma has sex with her caller

Alma meets her caller. I like the look that she gives him when he is walking towards her, indicating that she likes what she sees. So, she has no problem coming with him to his place. When they reach his place, Alma's anti-slut defense goes up and she resists his advances initially. But her caller successfully seduces her and they have sex for real.

Alma becomes aggressive in bed with her husband

Alma's husband wants to have sex with her. She climbs on top of him and starts having sex with him aggressively due to her sensuality being awakened by her lover. Her husband doesn't want any of that, asks her what's happening to her and tells her that she's acting like a whore. He wants her to just lie down like a mannequin while he pumps on top of her, minding only his own pleasure as usual. Their sex doesn't materialize so Alma masturbates beside her sleeping husband instead.

The handyman seduces Alma

The local handyman comes to Alma's house to repair something. He tries to seduce Alma, taking his shirt off to display his sweaty, muscular body while engaging her in a talk filled with sexual innuendo. Our non-slutty, non-cheap wife (at least in comparison to her neighbor Lea) isn't having any of that and tells him to finish his job. Our local handyman's seduction fails, but this scene is still quite erotic as it is sexy watching Alma getting seduced (I like the look she gives the handyman when he takes his shirt off, like she feels lust but is holding back). Plus, her rejection of the guy makes her infidelity with her caller more special since that means she is not a cheap and easy wife.

Alma comes to her caller's place and has sex with him again but we only see the post-coital scene this time, with the two naked and talking in bed.

Lea's husband finds out while Alma confesses to hers

Lea's husband finds out about her infidelity and shoots himself in front of her and their neighbors, including Alma. Because of this, Alma starts feeling more guilty about her own infidelity. She meets and talks to her caller, telling him that she feels so conflicted, recognizing that he is exploiting her body for his pleasure, but admitting that she likes it too. Her caller doesn't want any of her drama so she leaves.

Alma talks to her husband and admits her unfaithfulness to him. She even tells it in a hurtful way, telling him that her lover is better in bed and that while he travels and works hard to put food on their table, she spends his time fucking her lover's brains out. Her husband cries and nearly punches her but is able to control himself. Alma comes out of the house and walks in the middle of the road aimlessly.

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Categories: Asia, Cheating, Cheating Wife

 Director:  Jose Javier Reyes

Genres: Drama

Country:   Philippines
Language:  Filipino
Release Date:  14 July 1999

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