The story of João, a photographer who looks for potential model candidates in cities in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul to relaunch his career. After many tests, he meets a young girl of rare beauty, Maria. But she does not show up for the second stage of the tests. While João tries to find her out of the city, he meets Anita, her middle-aged mother, who informs him that Anita's husband, Pedro does not want Maria to leave her studies and become a model. And they are on a travel together, but João decides to wait for her return and he stays in their house. He is determined to make new tests with the young girl because he sees great potential in her. While waiting for Maria, he falls in love with Anita and they have an affair. Pedro and Maria return home. Pedro is thirty years older than Anita and is practically blind. João does a new test session with Maria and confirms the proposal: Maria is the chosen one, will sign a contract with the agency, start a career.
Cheating Notes
At 40:48, while João and Anita are walking beside a lake, Anita takes her clothes off and offers herself to be photographed naked. So João takes some photos of her. She proceeds to go to the water while looking back seductively at João. He takes his clothes off and follows her and they have sex in the water. They continue their tryst in bed inside her place.
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