Javier is Spanish and is married to Laura, who is Chilean. They have a six-year-old son, living in Chile and enjoying a prosperous economic position. The three are, at last, on vacation in Spain, because Laura seems to have overcome a problem of claustrophobia that prevented her from traveling. The family moved to a camp, near the home of Javier's parents. There they meet Ignacio, a handsome young man, a friendly neighbor. But not everything is as nice as it seems at first sight.
Cheating Notes

The wife has sex with her husband (07:25) at the camp. It's brief but it's quite hot as she moans and humps on top of him. Their psycho neighbor in the camp takes a peek at their window and smiles.
The wife has been looking at the psycho neighbor with interest and lowkey flirts with him. Her husband notices it and tells her about it later in the movie.
The wife tends to the psycho neighbor's surfing wound at his place (24:31). He works his charm on her and then he kisses her. She kisses back for a bit and then she pulls away. He ends up raping her on top of a table.
In the scene we see above, it looks like the wife is really being raped. However, later in the movie, the psycho neighbor will send an incomplete/edited video of this event to her and her husband (separately, at 48:14 and at 1:18:20), which shows that it looks like she is just getting fucked hard and is enjoying it. The husband is torn on whether to believe it's rape or not. Personally, I think she did enjoy that part of the rape, or at least I want to believe so.
The psycho neighbor blackmails the wife to have sex with him in exchange for the master copy of the rape video (53:14). She gets naked in front of him but the scene cuts off, leaving us with an implied blackmail sex.
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