Country girl Yu Hong leaves her village, her family and her lover to study in Beijing. At the university, she discovers an intense world of sexual freedom and forbidden pleasure. Enraptured, compulsive, she falls madly in love with fellow student Zhou Wei. Driven by obsessive passions they can neither understand nor control, their relationship becomes one of dangerous games - betrayals, recriminations, provocations - as all around them, their fellow students begin to demonstrate, demanding democracy and freedom.
Cheating Notes

Yu Hong leaves her family and boyfriend in the countryside to study in Beijing. She doesn't actually break up with her boyfriend and they even have sex in the bush right before she leaves and he even takes her to the train station.
At the university, Yu Hong falls madly in love with fellow student Zhou Wei. They have sex a few times (25:58, 28:30) and then their relationship becomes complicated when she catches him with a different girl (they're not fucking) in his dorm room. As revenge, she tells him that she slept with her psychology tutor. We don't know if she's telling the truth because we don't see any scene of her with her tutor, but it's probably true.
During Yu Hong and Zhou Wei's complicated relationship phase, Yu Hong teaches her female friend how to masturbate (50:10). And she does that by getting naked with her and fingering her in front of the mirror. The two of them also bang two male students from a different university, but the sex scene in this part is not shown.
Zhou Wei has sex with Li Ti, the closest female friend of Yu Hong (57:30). Li Ti has a boyfriend, a close friend of Zhou Wei. On the same night, Yu Hong's boyfriend from the countryside shows up to visit her. She drops school and comes home with him to their hometown.
When she becomes a working woman, Yu Hong has relationships and has sex with several men, or at least two of them are shown to us clearly, including her officemate. She then gets married to somebody and sometime after that, she meets up with Zhou Wei but she only kisses him (not clear if they have sex).
The sex scenes can be quite dark sometimes but some of them are adequately long and with proper pumping action. This is from China... whaattt???
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After screening Summer Palace in the 2006 Cannes Film Festival without government approval, the film was placed under a de facto ban in Mainland China, and its filmmakers officially censured.