Svingerid (aka Swingers)
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 92 min | Year: 2017 |  Estonia Latvia

It's a bit embarrassing in the beginning, but don't worry. It gets much more embarrassing later.

The "Swingers" is a shameless (and sometimes shy) relationship comedy with the main focus on SEX.

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Cheating Notes

Note: Watched without subtitles

Two couples agree to swing and they meet in an apartment owned by one of them. They talk and play 'truth or dare', where each of them gets comfortable by making out with the other couple. It all ends up with the more attractive wife having sex with the fat, less attractive husband of the other couple while the less attractive wife holds off and basically does not have sex with the other husband. Because the less attractive wife is insecure, she even forcibly tries to open the door of the room where her husband and the more attractive wife are fucking. Pathetic.

Meanwhile, in the building across them, something is also happening between two neighbors. Basically this chick gets locked out of her balcony with only her panties on and she asks her male neighbor that she jumps into his balcony and stays in his unit temporarily while she is locked out. Maybe she is just pretending to be locked out in order to seduce him. They end up having sex, and it turns out that her neighbor is gay (maybe she knows it but it doesn't stop her from seducing him). Her gay neighbor's male lover arrives and finds out about her and they have a confrontation (just dialogue confrontation mostly, and comedic in nature).


More Info for Svingerid (2017)

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Original / Other Title:  Swingers

 Director:  Andrejs Ēķis

Genres: Comedy

Country:   Estonia Latvia
Language:  Eesti
Release Date:  10 November 2017

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