Léa, the daughter of a wealthy Bordeaux family, is spending happy days at the Montillac family estate at the end of the 1930s. Radiant with youth, she charms all the men who meet her on the blue bicycle offered to her by her father. She is in deep love with Laurent, when she tells him, he lets her down. He is in love with Camille, Lea's best friend. The war sounds the death knell of her carelessness. She takes refuge in Paris. There, she finds Laurent, his secret love, who has just married Camille. During a party given him, she meets mysterious François -a friend of Laurent who works for the government. He goes right on and starts to win Lea's heart, but she is not interested at first. Laurent has to go to the front line. He asks Lea to stay with Camille in Paris, to look after her and the unborn baby. But the German troops are progressing, and Léa and Camille are forced to leave the capital.
Cheating Notes

Near the end of Episode 1, Lea (
) has sex with Francois. I guess this starts their relationship, but I'm not sure whether it's committal or non-commital, as they seldom meet after because Francois seems to be always going somewhere. Perhaps, it's because it's wartime.In Episode 2 at the 13-minute mark, Lea dates Francois in a restaurant and has sex with him again. Near the end of the episode, she fucks Laurent, whose wife (and her best friend) Camille saw them intimately hugging before that.
In Episode 3, Lea has intimate moments with Laurent, but she meets and has intimate moments with Francois, too, and has sex with him again, solidifying her relationship status with him.
In the middle of Episode 3, Lea has sex with an officer for a favor. I think the favor has something to do with Camille's imprisonment. If I'm not mistaken, the douchebag officer is also someone from her hometown who raped her before (flashback scene at the end part of Episode 2).
At the end of Episode 3, Camille is dead so Laurent should be free for Lea, right? However, he goes someplace instead of marrying Lea. After he leaves, Francois arrives. Lea welcomes him with a warm hug and a nice make-out session. That means she will be choosing him as her steady partner from this point on, and maybe, just fuck Laurent whenever he's home?
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Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
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