The Home of Dark Butterflies (2008)
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 108 min | Year: 2008 |  Finland

Haunted by his traumatic past and cautious about the prospects of an uncertain future, a fourteen year old boy named Juhani winds up in an isolated boys' home known as The Island.

Juhani has been shuttled between foster homes and temporary families for the past six years, leaving any prospect of stability in his life a faded dream. When Juhani winds up in a remote shelter for troubled youth known as The Island, he has little idea of how ruthless superintendent Olavi Harjula can truly be.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

The shelter's superintendent's wife tends to the wound of Salmi, one of the boys living at the shelter (53:14). He makes a move on her and this leads to them having sex. Her husband comes home and sees them in the act, but he doesn't confront them and instead just leaves without announcing his presence.

Juhani, the main kid character, witnesses the superintendent's wife and Salmi meeting for their trysts twice (1:07:39 and 1:21:11).


Original / Other Title:  Tummien perhosten koti

 Director:  Dome Karukoski

Genres: Drama

Country:   Finland
Language:  suomi
Release Date:  11 January 2008

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