The Intended
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 110 min | Year: 2002 |  Denmark United Kingdom

A period drama/thriller about a surveyor and his fiancée who arrive in a remote Malaysian trading post and encounter a closed-fisted ivory trader and her ill-meaning family.

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Cheating Notes

Cheating scenes at 1:24:40 and at 1:31:40.

Sarah Morris, who is the intended bride of Hamish Winslow, decides to accompany him to the Malaysian outpost in the jungle before they tie the knot. Sarah, finds out, in the worst way, the horrors of being in that isolated spot, where she awakens the passion and sexual appetite of a lonely man.

The post is run with an iron hand by an English woman, Mrs. Jones, who has a creepy son, William. He begins spying on Sarah through cracks in the hut where she and Hamish are staying. This lonely man sees the attractive Sarah as a sex object that he craves.

Hamish gets stricken with a mysterious coma. Desperate, Sarah submits to the perverted will of the nurse and has sexual intercourse with William, and to her horror, achieving her first ever orgasm thereby.

Emerging from her confusing ordeal (is she radiant with gratification or utterly soiled? we aren't too sure) clutching her money, Sarah finds that Hamish has overheard her ecstatic yelps while having sex with William and is bleary with weeping, because, as we witnessed earlier, she has never climaxed with him, even in the tropical heat.

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 Director:  Kristian Levring

Genres: Thriller, Drama

Country:   Denmark United Kingdom
Language:  English
Release Date:  6 June 2002

1 Comment

  1. how it ends…
    After climaxing, Sarah jumps off from William, tells him, this is wrong, sick, not love, she doesn’t love him. And leaves quickly. William looks devastated.
    She goes to Mrs. Jones, who has taken poison and is dead, but Sarah finds the promised money.
    Hamish is utterly sad, accuses Sarah, both talk as if they are demented, e.g. instead of Sarah explaining that she desperately wanted to get the money, to save his life, she stutters some arbitrary stuff.
    She walks away, Hamish is also gone, somewhere, a gun shot, Sarah runs upstairs to Williams place, William has shot himself in the head, dead.
    Norton shows up, demands the money, hits Sarah multiple times, Hamisch shows up, threatens to kill Norton with Williams pistol, Sarah intervenes, by ripping the money apart.
    Hamish and Sarah sit at the river, a small steam boat shows up, Sarah smiles, END.

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