The Quietude (2018)
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 117 min | Year: 2018 |  Argentina

When Eugenia returns to the country house called La Quietud, after her father has suffered a stroke she's reunited with her sister Mia. Traumas from their past resurface.

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Eugenia returns to her family's country house after her father has suffered a stroke and is reunited with her sister Mia. Eugenia's husband Vincent is having an affair with Mia. Meanwhile, Eugenia is also having an affair with Esteban, a family friend and along with his father, the family's lawyer.

14:22 - The sisters masturbate together while fantasizing about a black plumber they met during their teenage years.

32:59 - Eugenia has sex with Esteban.

45:23- Mia has sex with Vincent in the car at the airport when she fetches him.

1:18:28 - Vincent and Mia have sex after the sisters' car accident.

Original / Other Title:  La quietud

 Director:  Pablo Trapero

Genres: Thriller, Drama

Country:   Argentina
Language:  Spanish
Release Date:  30 August 2018

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