The Rain People (1969)
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R  101 min | Year: 1969 |  United States of America

Natalie Ravenna, a Long Island housewife, discovers that she is pregnant. She panics and leaves home to find herself away from her husband. Along the way, she meets a handsome hitchhiker whose brain has been damaged from a football injury and a chauvinistic highway cop. Both will help her find herself in dramatic ways.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Natalie (Shirley Knight) leaves home and travels cross-country to find herself away from her husband. She doesn't really have an intention to leave him permanently, she just wants to be away from him for a while.

Along the way, she picks up a hitchhiker, a former college football player named Jimmy (James Caan) with the intention of having a one-night stand with him. It turns out that Jimmy is brain-damaged due to his football injury so instead of fucking him, she ends up taking care of him like a child on the road.

Later, Natalie is arrested by a highway cop named Gordon (Robert Duvall) for overspeeding. She ends up making out with Gordon in his trailer home. She is already lying naked in bed with him but she changes her mind so they aren't able to fuck.

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The Rain People (1969) - screenshots

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