The Tryst (2010)
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The Tryst
 72 min | Year: 2010 |  Philippines

MAGDAMAG (The Tryst) is a two-character study involving a middle-aged teacher (Rita Avila) and a young fire dancer (Edgar Allan Guzman), whose meeting in Boracay on a Maundy Thursday would lead to an overnight tryst, opening up questions on gender and power relations, sex and sexuality, love and passion, religion and faith.

Magdamag, a simple yet increasingly effective story of a one night stand dives into multiple dimensions of the human character. Rita Avila as a middle-aged college instructor and Edgar Allan Guzman as a fire dancer in a scene from Magdamag (The Tryst), an ‘erotically-charged examination of power relationships, gender, faith and the nature of love.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

The middle-aged female teacher has a one-night stand with a fire dancer on her beach vacation. They have non-nude sex several times during the night (2:57, 35:46, 52:19).


The teacher tells the young dude that she's already separated from her 70-year-old husband (her third husband and her youngest child's father). However, in the final scene, we see her with a wheelchair-bound man when she returns home. He seems to be her 70-year-old husband and she still isn't really separated from him.

Categories: Asia, Cheating, Cheating Wife

Original / Other Title:  Magdamag

 Director:  Joven Tan

Genres: Drama

Country:   Philippines
Language:  Filipino
Release Date:  3 July 2010

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