Tonight You’re Sleeping with Me (2023)
4.8 (8)

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R  93 min | Year: 2023 |  Poland

Stuck in a passionless marriage, a journalist must choose between her distant but loving husband and a younger ex-boyfriend who has reentered her life when he becomes an intern in her workplace.

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Cheating Notes

The wife meets her younger ex-boyfriend when he starts working as an intern at her work. Sparks fly, they still like each other and we get a little flashback of lovemaking between them when they were still together.

The wife's husband goes on a hiking trip to Iceland. Uh-oh, now our wife can fuck around. But of course, she would like to think that she's not gonna do something to that effect. For starters, she just asks a favor from her ex-boyfriend to bring some medicines for her sick daughter. That ain't so bad, right? And even if her ex-boyfriend starts coming over more often after, bringing ingredients for her cooking, giving gifts to her daughter to bribe them, that's still all innocent in her mind, yeah? Even if one of her daughters tells the guy to go away because she probably smells from a mile away that he wants to fuck.

The wife and her ex-boyfriend kiss in an elevator (42:29). Then, they fuck at his place (46:51). And then they make out beside a lake (51:57).

The wife, while crying, tells her mom that she has fallen in love with someone else.

The two start making love at his place (1:07:51). Without realizing it, the wife accidentally calls her husband on her phone. He's still hiking in the Iceland wilderness at this point. He hears her passionate moans and worse, her telling her ex-boyfriend that she loves him.


Hot, but heartbreaking on the husband's part.

Original / Other Title:  Dzisiaj śpisz ze mną

 Director:  Robert Wichrowski

Genres: Romance, Drama

Country:   Poland
Language:  Polish
Release Date:  1 March 2023

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