Widows – Erst die Ehe, dann das Vergnügen (1998)
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 93 min | Year: 1998 |  Germany

Molly, Elisabeth and Maria, three good friends, are dissatisfied with their married life. Molly, a good-hearted and lovely housewife and mother, has had enough of Erich, her husband's drunken outbursts, outrages. When he cheats on her with the stupid model Sandi, she thinks of liberation. Elisabeth lives a dreamlike life as a good-looking lawyer. Unfortunately, Charles, her faithful spouse is 25 years older than her. After an encounter with the young musician Vince, she senses that there might be something else as well. Maria, who has always been able to profitably use her erotic charisma is abused by her third husband Konrad only as an exhibition object due to her attractive appearance. She is with him only for financial reasons and frustrated. She longs for respect and recognition. Should she give him up, but according to the marriage contract she is left with nothing. An exciting search for happiness alone begins. All have in common the urgent desire to free themselves. But "divorce is disgusting," says Molly, and that's why they choose widowhood. Devilish plans ripen in their minds, but they are not as easy to implement as they seem.

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Cheating Notes

At the start of the movie, Maria (Ornella Muti) trades flirtatious looks with a young mechanic during a home dinner party. The guy works for her husband, who is also there at the party.

At 13:14, Maria, in her black bra and panties and long black boots, humps some big guy on a chair. This causes her to be late for a funeral.

Elisabeth, a lawyer, receives the young musician Vince in her office. He is quite a fast charmer so their consultation immediately leads to him getting his face close to her face, like kissing-distance close, and caressing her chin with his finger while looking at her straight in the eye. Her old husband comes in and interrupts their little moment.

At 26:08, Maria resumes flirting with the young mechanic when he comes to her house to fix her exercise machine. She makes the first move and kisses him. They have sex in bed and we get to see one of Maria's boobs.

At 35:44, Elisabeth waits for Vince in an empty hallway as he finishes his gig. Before he leaves the stage to meet her, she takes off her coat that partially covers her dress to look sexier for him, but she changes her mind and puts it back on. Vince comes out and they make out. A few scenes after that, they kiss beside a stream. And at 40:46, they have sex in bed, with Elisabeth naked and humping on top of Vince. In between these scenes are Elisabeth's husband calling her friends to ask them where she is.

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Original / Other Title:  Widows – Erst die Ehe, dann das Vergnügen, Widows

 Director:  Sherry Hormann

Genres: Comedy

Country:   Germany
Language:  German
Release Date:  22 January 1998


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