Airport 2012 (2014) (Short)


‘Airport 2012’ chronicles an alienating partner-swapping encounter in a New Jersey motel on Election Day, 2012. Four very different characters interact in darkly comic and unsettling ways – no one ever really connects with anyone else in an activity that had been orchestrated, ironically, expressly for the purpose of connection, or at the very least sexual connection. The day and then the night pass; two couples have ‘fun’; a president is re-elected, and by morning […]

Soldier Bee


Jodie Baxter is a Captain returned home from Afghanistan after being injured in a rigged booby trap that has left her scarred both physically and on a deep psychological level. She struggles to reconnect with her husband on a sexual and emotional accord and begins to realize the distance between herself and her child as her daughter hides pivotal moments of puberty that a mother should be there to support. In the middle of moving […]