An erstwhile boatman wants to do a little more than paddle his own canoe in the town famed for its waterfalls. He leaves the village of his roots for the city and lands a job as a live-sex actor called toro in street lingo derived from the Spanish term for bull. Quick successes in his newfound profession delude him into regarding that the measure of a man is in his trousers. He has a partner on stage and off. Despite her cynicism and tough veneer, she sees in him a way out of the slums and the red light district.
Cheating Notes

The white chick, girlfriend of the book publisher, first starts her affair with the porn actor/live sex show performer at 1:16:27, when she interviews him for a book that his friend, a writer, is currently finishing. We see her naked while having sex with him at 1:30:00.
The white chick's boyfriend finds out about her affair during a film premiere at the end part of the film and his revenge toward the porn actor and the porn actor's own girlfriend/sex show partner is going to be violent and will include the two being forced to have sex with each other in front of the white chick's boyfriend and his goons.
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