Dan and Rachel are the central couple. Dan tends to fly off the handle at the least provocation and covers his lover with verbal abuse, the last straw being when he calls her a cunt and a whore. He goes to live with his vaguely beatnik older brother Pat and his wife Erin. Erin immediately goes on the make with hapless Dan, and it turns out that both she and hubby are perverts most anxious to have an incestuous (sort of) threesome with Dan.
Meanwhile, Rachel who keeps the duo's lavish home is having lesbian friends Lydia and Simone over, and that duo deliver a solid sex scene.
Pat and Erin fix up Dan with a date with beautiful young blonde Maria while the lesbo friends stick Rachel with Mark. Dan and Rachel have sex with their respective dates.
Dan and Rachel eventually reconcile. They have passionate make-up sex and then they begin bickering again, accusing each other of sleeping with other people.
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