Descente aux enfers (1986) aka Descent Into Hell
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Descent Into Hell
 88 min | Year: 1986 |  France

The marriage of the famous writer Alan and his young wife Lola is in a crisis. On a vacation in Haiti Lola wants to decide if their relationship still has a future. But since Alan doesn't succeed with his new book and gets deeper and deeper into alcoholism, she soon starts an affair. While deeply drunk, Alan kills a black who wanted to rob him...

Alan Kolber is a middle-aged French crime novelist married to Lola, a young woman half his age. Their marriage has reached a low point and they go to Haiti for a holiday. Alan is an alcoholic and Lola is trying to get some passion back into her life. To that end she begins an affair with a man closer to her own age. Discovering this, Alan goes to a bar to drown his sorrows. Drunk, he stagers back to the hotel only to be attacked by a mugger. Alan fights back and kills his attacker with a broken bottle.

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Original / Other Title:  Descente aux enfers

 Director:  Francis Girod

Genres: Crime, Drama, Thriller

Country:   France
Language:  French
Release Date:  6 November 1986

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