Faithfully Yours (2022)
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Faithfully Yours
 96 min | Year: 2022 |  Belgium Netherlands

Best friends Bodil and Isabel, both judges and apparently happily married, sneak off for secret affairs using each other as an alibi. But when Isabel is killed when they are supposed to have been together. Bodil gets caught up in her own web of lies.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Isabel goes to a sex club while Bodil attends the lecture of her future potential lover (10:00). Isabel kisses a random guy at the club while Bodil fucks the lecturer at her vacation house (15;30).

Isabel kisses a female in a CCTV recording (49:42).


Bodil discovers sex videos of her on her husband's laptop (1:04:25). Not only the one with the lecturer but also another one with a black dude. This is a sexy revelation. Later, her husband confesses to her that he knows about her affairs and records them because they excite him (1:18:04). In the end, it seems they deserve each other: a slut wife who cheats without remorse and a cuckold husband who likes to watch her get fucked.


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