Kabit (2024)
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 124 min | Year: 2024 |  Philippines

Laura accepts the role of a lonely wife having an affair with the manservant in an erotic play to rebel against her mother. The director pushes her to bring out her vulnerability and anger, hoping they will show these emotions on stage.

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Cheating Notes

An artistic erotic play is set in motion by a seasoned director. In the play, a disabled coffee plantation owner's wife has an affair with the manservant. It's basically an adaptation of Lady Chatterley's Lover.

Unless specifically stated, by default, I will be referring to scenes inside the play in the timings below.

Antonio, a rich coffee plantation owner, has honeymoon sex with his new wife, Amparo (33:10).

Antonio joins the war and comes home disabled. Minerva, his friend, becomes his nurse. She has sex with him (52:57).

Amparo starts taking walks in the coffee plantation and starts hanging out in the place where Pablo, a manservant, is working. She asks him to accompany her in touring the coffee plantation. She has sex with him (54:31).

Outside the play, the actor playing Antonio and the actress playing Minerva have sex somewhere backstage (1:07:50). Meanwhile, the actor playing Pablo kisses the actress playing Amparo (1:14:29), which she likes.

Amparo has sex with her husband (1:15:17).

Amparo has sex with Pablo (1:18:56).

Antonio finds out about his wife's affair and tells Pablo to get out of his land. Amparo has sex with Pablo before his departure (1:38:11). In this sex scene, the actor playing Pablo does something unexpected to which the actress playing Amparo does not consent.

Pablo doesn't leave Antonio's land immediately so Antonio's man beats him up. Amparo visits him in his quarters as he is packing his belongings. They start making love again (1:54:27). Amparo kneels in front of Pablo and starts stroking his dick, giving him the impression that she is about to give him a blowjob. This isn't part of the rehearsal so the play's director becomes worried. Suddenly, the actress playing Amparo does something unexpected, to which the actor playing Pablo does not consent, as revenge for what the latter did to her in their previous scene.


If a play with sex and nudity like the one in the movie is being shown near me, I'll come and watch it again and again. Wicked ending.

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