Kahalili (2023)
4.7 (3)

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 103 min | Year: 2023 |  Philippines

A young woman finds work on a wealthy couple’s farm, but is asked to provide the ultimate service: to serve as a surrogate mother. As her pregnancy progresses, the husband’s growing sexual attachment intensifies.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

A young woman finds work on a wealthy couple’s farm as a maid but is asked to provide the ultimate service: to serve as a surrogate mother. The couple wants it to be a natural process, a.k.a. the husband is going to fuck the maid. The maid has a boyfriend but he isn't exactly opposed to the idea of her selling her body because he is indebted to some thug.

32:54 - The couple has a threesome with the maid, with the wife's role mainly guiding the procreation of her husband and the maid, but of course, she joins the fun too.

45:46 - The husband bangs the maid without the knowledge of his wife.

58:44 - The couple involves the maid in a ritualistic orgy and the maid also masturbates while recalling it later in the bathtub.


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